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Posted by Karin Velez on

Building An Efficient And Comfortable Workspace

When working at a nine-to- five job, there is nothing worse than feeling lethargic and unmotivated. Most of the time we naturally blame lack of sleep and/or our diet; however, as true as this maybe the ambience in your workspace also plays a major role in keeping you energized and efficient. If you work for ling daytime hours, then a healthy breakfast consisting of food high in energy is important and simultaneously having a work space that sparks your creativity is just as important. Here are a few tips on how you can make your workspace the most efficient and comfortable for you;

Lighting, heat and colour- lighting has the power to either make you feel energetic or lazy. Although having dimmer lights would make the environment cosier in order for you to work efficiently you need to have bright light. Natural light is one of the best sources of lighting to brighten up your workspace and you; however it also means that due to the direct sunlight the temperatures in your workspace can easily increase which would be uncomfortable for you. The alternative choice you have is window tinting or privacy window film http://www.windowenergysolutions.com.au/window-film/decorative-window-film/. Essentially this cuts out the glare from the sun and reduces the heat whilst providing substantial amount of daytime light.  Colour also has the ability to enhance your creativity skills and increase your energy. Light colours or bright colours could have varying effects on you. If you are allowed to, see if you can paint the wall colours in a hade that you know brightens your mood.

Music and ergonomic – it has been said that the right kind of music can enhance your thinking and creating abilities for glass tinting film. However, this varies depending on the individual. Some find the music to be distracting and boring; some enjoy it but see no impact on their work, whilst others find it useful. If you are someone that usually listens to music when working then set out a playlist that energizes and motivates you the most without distracting you. Ergonomics basically studies your work efficiency. There is an impact on your efficiency depending on what kind of chair you are seated on, the right posture, keyboards with wrist rests and so on. If you have occasional body aches from being seated too long in one place, then it would be essential for you to change out the furniture in your office to improve your health and creativity simultaneously.

In order to give your all to your job, you need to make sure that you work in a space that enhances your abilities. Take a moment of your time occasionally to see if your workspace actually works for you and do the necessary changes.